Life has prepared me for this. With its up and downs, and it’s hurry up and waits, I would do it ALL over again. It has made me the woman I am today, and I actually really dig her.

A skill I’ve developed is quickly finding my emotional center and to pivot. It can be scary as hell to step into the unknown and sad to leave a life well planned, but the over arching theme is always heck yes, we are going that way!

The yoga and non attachment I’ve practiced for the better part of 10 years has certainly helped. I do believe that control is only an illusion and a life is what you do with what’s before you, not what you thought it would be. A relationship is as good as the work you put into it and if you stay in the light, all will work out.

The many lives I’ve had bouncing from place to place following Joe has trained me, because when you live a life like we have, there is no time to waste. We make friends fast, we find a new tribe, set up a life and our roots run deep until we have to pull them up. That’s just how it is for us.

How many re-inventions I do not know. I’ve been a Dancer, Teacher, Waitress, Wife, Mother. A Massage Therapist, Pointe Shoe Fitter and Manager. I’ve served as a Command Spouse, a Business Owner,Yoga Instructor, Beauty Consultant and Coach. I’ve traveled the world, lived at the beach, the desert and in the swamp. I’ve also seen many friends come and go, some I call family and some I’ve lost to different points of view. I’ve held space for those who have felt lost in their life, and I’ve held friends as they’ve grieved a lost life. For all this I am grateful.

No one is immune to the changes Covid has brought. When grounding myself I seek comfort in prayer, words, and positive affirmations. Love, kindness, patience, grace. Live an EPIC life, form deep connections, remain positive, give back, be the change.

My favorite quote is by Hafiz, “ The words you speak become the house you live.” Indeed.

We will be moving the beginning of August to Tennessee to begin our new epic life adventure.

Manifesting powerful and positive experiences together since 1991.

Sending you all peace and an epic life ahead.



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